
How many people in Russia sit over their wallets every day, frantically counting the money in it, and trying to figure out how to stretch it out for a whole month. However, sometimes it feels like they are simply leaking through your fingers and...
Last update: 03/09/2020 Reading time: 17 min. | Views: 33901Every person at least once in his life was interested in how to attract luck and money to his person. Gaining financial independence, people experience...
Fulfillment of desires using this proven method really happens! It is human nature to desire and strive for the best. There are many . In this article you will learn about simple and extremely effective wish magic. How to perform...
Selling an apartment is a complex and very responsible process. You need to do it yourself only with a certain amount of confidence in your abilities. It is important not only to collect the necessary documents, but also to carry out pre-sale preparation...
There are many beliefs according to which, in order to attract wealth and abundance, you need to read a special spell for a new wallet. Such magical rituals aimed at attracting wealth also help improve...
This ritual is performed on July 7; for a long time, the holiday of Ivan Kupala has been celebrated in Rus' on this day. After the holiday, collect all the money in the house in one place. Place this money next to you on the nightstand and go to bed. On the...
Birthday is a special date for every person. Often it is this that becomes the main impetus for re-evaluating all values ​​and for making serious decisions. And also, according to esotericists, the birthday is considered the best time...
Orthodox holidays have a special mystical influence on all people. It is not for nothing that on these unusual days it is customary to tell fortunes, perform all sorts of light rituals for happiness, and make wishes. The Orthodox calendar has a huge...
The transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar introduced some confusion into the calendar of pagan holidays. If initially they were timed to coincide with a specific astrological event, now the date turns out to be very arbitrary. Today...
Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subjugate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover, or...