Weak biofield in humans signs. A strong biofield in humans: signs. What information does the biofield contain

A powerful biofield in a person is easy to determine by the following features:

  • Absence of chronic diseases, ideal health and physical condition;
  • Without visible efforts, a person achieves success in any endeavors. Good luck obviously accompanies him;
  • Attracts people, behaves in a friendly manner, easily makes new acquaintances;
  • He knows how to learn a lesson from trouble, does not get upset over trifles, looks to the future with optimism;
  • Can captivate a crowd, often takes leadership positions;
  • Strives for change, does not sit in one place for a long time, is in continuous search;
  • When touched, energy is felt in the palms - this is a strong biofield. Often such people have psychic abilities, they can relieve pain.
  • The inner warmth emanating from the person is clearly felt.
  • Acts as a wise mentor, knows how to listen, gives good advice.

The owner of a strong biofield is easy to identify in the crowd. Man - radiates powerful energy flows. He knows how not only to take energy from outside, but also to give it away, shares it with others. It gives a powerful impulse of positive mood to the space.

Signs of a strong energy biofield are found in people with negative thoughts. They carry a huge bunch of negative energy, aimed at destruction and chaos.

Varieties of energy potential

Receiving energy, a person, due to his natural characteristics, disposes of it in different ways, directs it in a positive or negative direction. Human energy potential is divided into the following types:

  • mirror energy. Feeling a positive or negative impact on himself, a person always gives back energy flows. Protecting yourself from any external influence. An effective technique for the development of mirror technology: mentally imagine a reflective surface opposite the interlocutor, if thoughts are impure, then everything said will come back without reaching the goal.
  • Protective wall. Alien energy flows, like a ball, bounce off a person and fall into space. The disadvantage of this variety is that a negative message can bounce off the wall in the opposite direction and affect an innocent person.
  • Energy absorption. Like a sponge, he absorbs any information flows. Strives to participate in all social processes, to be aware of all events. Such a person has a powerful impact on the energy of the environment. Able to process negativity, radiating positive vibrations into space. Which subsequently weakens the biofield.
  • Self destruction. A person collects all the energy garbage. Processes it, multiplying it many times, fences off from the environment. It creates a cocoon around itself, saturated with negativity.
  • Energy filter. Man has the strongest biofield. Can absorb energy in large volumes and transform it. Charging the interlocutor with positive, changing his thinking, clearing his mind.
  • Intermediary. Every third person is endowed with this energy potential. People receive information flows without doing anything with it, they return it back into space.
  • Energy leech (vampire). Due to the lack of their own energy, they feed on the emotions of others, depleting the interlocutor's biofield.

How to increase internal energy

It happens that a person feels constant fatigue, problems are driven into a corner. This is a consequence of violation of the integrity of the energy shell. Questions arise: “How to make the biofield strong?”, “How to protect yourself from negative impact?”. There are several effective ways:

  • Completely give up bad habits. Alcohol, smoking for a short period of time create a false feeling of happiness. Subsequently, they take many times more, depriving them of vitality.
  • Negative emotions: resentment, pain, fear, hatred, anger - kill everything good in a person.
  • Music is a powerful boost of vivacity. Favorite pieces of music are able to restore the energy balance in a few minutes.
  • Favorite hobbies. Activities for the soul, bringing real pleasure, attract positive information flows. People, doing what they love, always achieve great success.
  • Circle of friends. It is necessary to understand whether someone from the immediate environment has a strong biofield. This is the person you should spend more time with.
  • Meditation. The perfect path to self-discovery. After meditation, the biofield is cleared of negativity and receives many times more positive information.
  • clear life goals. If there is a cherished desire, the universe will fill a person with the energy necessary for its implementation.
  • Charity. Do good without thinking about self-interest. The soul becomes light, free.
  • Service in the temple. After the church service, the human biofield is amplified several times. Sincere prayer works wonders.
  • Sports. During physical exertion, the accumulated negative comes out of the body.
  • Pets. They are able to cleanse the human aura, take away the negative, protect from diseases.
  • Love. The power of love will destroy all barriers, fill the heart with warmth.

Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory abilities Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Human biofield

Human biofield

A conversation about multidimensional energy will be incomplete if we do not briefly touch on the energy of the human biofield. Each person consists of physical and multidimensional bodies. Let's consider the first three layers of a person's aura as parts of his multidimensional body.

The first layer is the etheric body, or the lower etheric content. As you know, the ether is an intermediate state between dense matter and subtle multidimensional energy. The human etheric body looks like many tiny energy lines. These lines are like a glittering web of light paths. Outwardly, they look like numerous stripes on the TV screen that appear at the moment when you switch the TV to a channel on which there is no image, i.e. the channel is not tuned to any TV program. The etheric body has the same structure as the physical body. It covers all organs and parts of the human body.

The etheric body has a certain structure of lines of force. This structure can be called an energy matrix, on which it acquires, develops and retains the form of the physical matter of bodily tissues. It is very important to understand and assimilate that the physical tissues of our body exist and retain their form, as such, only due to the presence of the energy of the field of the etheric body. That is, the energy field of the etheric body precedes the physical body, and is not its product, as some experts often mistakenly believe, especially at the initial stages of learning the laws of the multidimensional world.

Studies conducted by scientific psychotherapists and doctors in the United States and Canada have shown that when observing the growth of various plants, the same pattern appears: the plant projects the energy matrix of the leaf before the leaf itself grows. When a leaf grows, it only fills the energy form that already exists for it. Each of you can test this fact experimentally. It is enough to use video filming to observe the so-called "Kirlian effect". This method was invented back in 1930 by Semyon and Valentina Kirlian.

But let us return to the etheric body of man. The grid structure of the energy of the human etheric body is in constant motion. With the help of special methods, it is possible to observe how sparks of a bluish-white color move along the energy lines of the etheric body through the dense physical body of a person. The energy of the etheric body extends beyond the physical body to a distance of 0.6 to 1.2 cm and pulsates at a frequency of 15-20 vibrations per minute. The color of the energy of the etheric body changes from light blue to gray. In a more sensitive, more refined person (most girls and young women), the energy of the etheric body has a light blue color. At the same time, a strong, athletic man has a grayish color of the etheric body.

The energy chakras of the etheric body look like funnels, consisting (like the entire etheric body) of a light energy grid. A person who has undergone a certain training can perceive in the etheric body all the organs of the physical body, as if consisting of a shimmering color. As you know, some people have the ability to see the human body as if on an x-ray, including how to see all the internal organs. As you now understand, this becomes possible due to the fact that the "clairvoyant" sees not the organs themselves, but the energy of their luminous etheric bodies.

Let's repeat it again. Just as with the growth of a plant leaf, the energy structure of the etheric body of a person initially projects and creates a matrix in the right place for the growth of the cells of the physical body. In a living organism, a mechanism for creating a matrix of organs and body parts through the energy structure of the etheric body is genetically laid down. Body cells are updated and grow strictly along the energy lines of the ethereal matrix, this matrix exists even before the appearance of cells.

If you try to imagine the etheric body of a person in an isolated form, outside of its material content, then it will look like a transparent copy of a real physical body (male or female, respectively), consisting of frequent intersecting bluish lines of light. Outwardly, the male and female ethereal bodies are similar to the transparent images of the biblical first people - Adam and Eve, created by the Creator himself.

The second layer of the auric body is the emotional body. This energy body is more subtle than the etheric body. The emotional energy body is connected to a person's feelings. It only approximately repeats the outlines of the physical body. The structure of the emotional body is vague. It does not duplicate the physical body, but represents colored clouds of subtle substances that are in continuous fluid motion. The energy of the emotional body permeates through the denser bodies of a person - physical and ethereal.

The energy of the emotional body contains all the colors of the rainbow. But depending on the clarity of the observer's sensations, the color of the energy of the emotional body changes from bright light to cloudy shades. High-energy human sensations (love, excitement, joy or anger) cause clear, vibrant colors of energy to appear in the emotional body. Mixed feelings that take possession of a person cause dark and muddy colors of energy colors in the emotional body. If the intensity of a person's feelings increases, for example, against the background of a positive mood associated with emotional relationships, or in the process of psychotherapy, then the colors of the energy of the emotional body change their shades and become brighter.

When observed by special methods, it was found that the energy of the emotional body of a person is a color clots that move within the matrix and slightly go beyond the etheric body. The energy of the emotional body goes 3–4 cm beyond the limits of the physical body. Sometimes a person throws out clots of energy of the emotional body of various colors into the space around him. Such releases of energy are observed, for example, when a person's emotions are released in the course of his treatment.

The third layer is the mental body. The energy of the mental body goes beyond the emotional body and consists of more subtle substances associated with mental processes, i.e. with our ideas, ideas, etc. The mental body goes 7-20 cm beyond the limits of the physical body of a person. It has bright yellow color. If a person focuses on some idea or representation of something, his mental body expands and becomes brighter.

The mental body has its own specific structure, corresponding to the structure of ideas and ideas of a particular person. With proper preparation, thought forms can be seen in the energy field of the mental body. They are configurations of energy clots of different brightness. The energy of thought forms radiates from the second layer - the emotional body and has additional colors. Thought-form energy colors reflect a person's emotions associated with their specific thoughts. The clearer the idea, the clearer the type of radiation of the energy of the human thought-form associated with this idea. Focusing on thoughts, we strengthen the energy of our thought forms. And then our habitual thoughts become a powerful energy, a force that actively influences our life.

Unfortunately, today people are just beginning to master the methods of developing the energy of their mental body and consciously using the capabilities of their intellect. Modern people still use their intellect for creative purposes too little. Various types of meditation conducted by the author help to activate the creative and spiritual abilities of a person.

Let us sum up briefly in the study of the energy of the first three layers of the human aura - the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. They refer to more subtle forms of energy, closely related to the physical world. Today, people have little knowledge of ways to positively influence these energy components of their spiritual activity.

Each of the three layers of the human biofield mentioned above corresponds to a certain world of multidimensional energy in the environment. A modern person lives, manifests himself, his activity simultaneously in three lower energy worlds or planes of being, without even noticing it.

At the physical level, a person actively or passively performs his actions. At this level, the physical and etheric bodies of a person are actively used.

On an emotional level, a person manifests his desires. This level corresponds to the second layer of the aura - the emotional body.

At the mental level, a person manifests his thoughts. This level corresponds to the third layer of the human aura - the mental body.

And now attention! Very important information will now be summarized.

For each of the above energy levels and, accordingly, the planes of being, a person has a corresponding body - a conductor of this energy level. Each of these bodies (physical, emotional and mental) serves a person as a real means of knowing the corresponding world: physical, emotional and mental.

Reader, now you know that each person not only has several layers of aura, but also consists of several multidimensional energy bodies. Each of these bodies has its respective organs for communication and knowledge of its world. In the course of a person's daily life, these bodies (physical, emotional and mental) through their organs of perception gain experience of communication and life in the corresponding world. The material form of man cannot contain the entire volume of man's evolution. Evolution, that is, the development of a person, occurs simultaneously at several levels of his bodies, including the physical, emotional and mental.

For a better understanding of the questions of how different human bodies are combined together and at the same time do not interfere with each other and why a person at his physical level does not notice other energy bodies in him, consider the following example. Imagine a vessel filled with some dense bodies, for example, pebbles. We will conditionally consider such a state as a material body. Further, a certain amount of water can be freely poured into this vessel. We will assume that this is an emotional body. We close the vessel with a lid with a fitting and a check valve and pump a certain amount of gas into the vessel, for example, helium. We will conventionally assume that helium is a mental body. Thus, three types of matter are simultaneously in one vessel: pebbles, water and helium gas. These three types of matter easily penetrate each other without interfering with one another. Pebbles, water and helium gas will continue to live their lives, not noticing the presence of other types of matter.

Pebbles, water and helium gas belong to different material worlds, each of which has its own special form of life, its own laws. The physical laws of solid matter (pebbles) are: external shape, hardness, coefficient of friction, melting point, etc. The laws of liquid matter (water) are: specific gravity, solubility in liquid media, boiling point, etc. For helium gas These are the laws of gas dynamics. If we, dear readers, additionally had other, more subtle types of matter, then we could fill the vessel we have considered with them. In a similar way, various energy fields penetrate into the material creations of nature - the human body and other, the most diverse material bodies in the Universe.

Various multi-level energy formations, large and small, are next to us. However, we do not see them, although they literally surround us from all sides. These energy formations differ from each other in the density and frequency of vibrations of multidimensional energy.

Reader, the process of knowing, interacting and mastering the multidimensional energy formations of your body is that you can consciously raise the vibrations of the energy fields of your body.

Different levels of the multidimensional energy of nature easily penetrate the human body. If a person does not see, does not notice the presence of other, thinner energy bodies in addition to the physical body, then this only means that he simply does not know anything about these energy bodies.

In order to really master your multidimensional energy bodies and live consciously in the higher worlds of energy, you need to persistently develop in these directions. Every first step, every achievement of a person in this direction is the result of his conscious attitude to the multidimensional world of energy.

A person who reaches a high spiritual development can consciously move his consciousness beyond the limits of the physical body. In this case, a person begins to take a conscious part in the life of the higher worlds of multidimensional energy.

Reader, do not forget that each person is multidimensional. With proper training, you can learn to leave your physical body, move your consciousness over vast distances almost instantly, and then, returning to your physical body, remember everything that happened where you moved your consciousness. At the same time, ordinary people leave their physical bodies only in a dream, and when they return from the multidimensional world to their physical body, they remember practically nothing about it.

If necessary, in my classes with students, I use the method of controlled “entry” of human consciousness into the emotional and mental worlds of energy, which makes it possible to accelerate the process of conscious participation in the life of multidimensional matter.

This text is an introductory piece.

How many subtle bodies does a person have? (About the human energy system) The most common esoteric knowledge about the energy structure of a person offers the reader the following 3 main classifications: A person has 7 bodies, and 6 of them

We investigate the biofield To begin with, let's define this concept. Skeptical people may say that all this is the invention of esotericists and ignoramuses. And the argument in this case, as a rule, is only one thing: the biofield can neither be seen nor touched. However, few

The human biofield A conversation about multidimensional energy will be incomplete if we do not briefly touch on the energy of the human biofield. Each person consists of physical and multidimensional bodies. Consider the first three layers of a person's aura as parts of his multidimensional body. The first layer is

Aura, biofield, energy? Everything that exists in the world - a person, a lion, a fish, a stone, a house or a planet - is surrounded by an individual energy field. Let's call this field energy or bioenergetics (for living beings). The properties of the field have not been studied in full, but for

Aura and biofield Of all the areas of treatment not recognized by science, the most striking are those associated with the biofield. The biofield, or aura, is considered to be a kind of invisible field around a person. Mystical theories explain it as a kind of information field that reflects

For a walk in the biofield? A young woman, Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili, whose relatives call Juna, is well known in Tbilisi, where she lives permanently with her husband, baby and many other relatives. First they, then their acquaintances, then acquaintances of acquaintances knew about her

Dents in the biofield In addition to the general displacements of the field shell relative to the physical body, there are also “point strikes”, dents in the biofield, energy breakdowns that lead to severe pain in the body and destructive processes in the body.

Currently, there is an active debate about whether the aura, also known as the human biofield, really exists, or is it just an invention of charlatans and doctors practicing alternative medicine. Of course, it is difficult for rational thinking to imagine the existence of a certain shell around the body, invisible to the eye, but still, a person and his consciousness itself are such complex phenomena that it is also not easy to explain this complexity with the theory of evolution.

Improbability Theory: Biofield

The concept of aura

Among those who recognize the existence of the aura, there is no unambiguous definition of this concept. Usually, an aura is understood as a field surrounding a person, whether it be energy or some other. This is a kind of outer shell of the body. Often the aura is also interpreted as coming from a person. We will understand the aura as a transparent shell surrounding the body, a kind of energy field.

The human biofield is an integral part of the energy of the cosmos, so the aura can be fed from a variety of energy carriers: positively charged places (churches, temples), water, trees, the sun. Many people noticed that in temples and churches they feel much better, they feel peace of mind and peace. The same thing happens when you are one with nature. The reason for these unusual at first glance phenomena is that the aura is powered by the general cosmic energy.

The body and the aura surrounding it are indivisible and can only exist together. According to some approaches, the aura has a certain color and shade, which carries a significant information load. Mediums and psychics are able to determine by the aura whether a person is healthy, what his state of mind is. Sometimes the aura can also appear in photographs. The presence of an aura helps to explain such phenomena as a halo above the heads of saints, clear associations of a particular person with any color.

It is believed that not only humans, but also animals and even plants have their own energy shell. These shells interact with each other. For example, after stroking a cat, a person gets pleasure, because he was positively influenced by the aura of the cat's body. The animal also experiences joy, the auras thus interact, enriching and nourishing each other. On the contrary, there are people who, being next to them, feel discomfort, and after a long communication, even a deterioration in well-being.

These are the so-called energy vampires, absorbers of someone else's aura, communication with them is dangerous for health and psyche. The strength of the aura depends on the age of the person: old people often involuntarily absorb the energy shell of younger people, and small children, on the contrary, selflessly give their aura to their parents. The biofield of a dying person is very weak and gradually fades away.

The size of the aura is also not the same: people can differ in their energy, which just depends on the size of the aura. A large aura indicates the presence of a powerful person around energy field. As a rule, these are strong-willed people, leaders in their essence. On the contrary, a small aura indicates weak vitality, vulnerability, sensitivity.

Biofield through the eyes of a physicist

Aura Composition

The composition of the aura, according to most researchers, is quite complex. It includes the magnetic field of the human body: according to the approach of the American professor Burr, all animate beings, including people, have magnetic fields. The next components of the aura are the gravitational field. Also, a hypothetical torsion field, that is, the torsion field of space, is often considered as an element of the human energy shell. However, its existence has not been proven by modern science and is considered at the level of a hypothesis.

Biofield. invisible force

Layers of the human aura

In the structure of the aura, special energy layers are distinguished, each of which performs certain functions and has its own color. Traditionally, seven layers of the aura are distinguished, and this understanding has been going on since ancient times: back in ancient Egypt, the sarcophagi of priests and pharaohs were made in the amount of seven, one was placed in another, like a nesting doll.

The layers of the aura are divided into even and odd, and the odd layers have a stable structure, and the even ones are amorphous, in constant motion, consist of ectoplasm and resemble a liquid. The layers are closely intertwined with each other, while they are all on the same level in space, and each subsequent layer can be perceived during the development of consciousness.

  1. The first layer of the aura, the etheric body, can be seen even with the naked eye: if you look at a person in the dark with one corner of your eyes. This shell is a copy of the physical body, but somewhat larger in size. The first layer of the aura of a healthy person is about 10 cm; in a sick or unbalanced person, it can be depleted or polluted. The color of the etheric body depends on the person's personality: pale blue indicates a subtle and vulnerable soul, while gray indicates sufficient rigidity and firmness of character.
  2. The second layer of the aura, the vital body, is a complex of specific energies called prana. These energies are responsible for digestion, the circulatory system, respiration, and the emotional sphere of a person.
  3. The third layer, also called the lower mental body, controls the physical needs and urges: lust, fear, hunger, laziness. This layer is responsible for the satisfaction of individual and selfish needs.
  4. The fourth layer of the aura is responsible for love and affection, sympathy and friendship. A highly developed astral body is characteristic of altruists, selfless benefactors and patrons of the arts.
  5. The fifth layer, the body of the higher astral, controls the willpower of a person. A highly developed fifth layer testifies to the incredible talent of a person, his willpower, responsibility and perseverance.
  6. The sixth layer, the mental body, is responsible for the development of telepathic abilities and clairvoyance; it is not for nothing that the expression “sixth sense” is very popular. The development of this layer leads to the appearance of intuition in a person, and a strong development leads to the appearance of the gift of foresight.
  7. The seventh layer, the thinnest, is known as the karmic body. It is at the level of this layer that interaction with the spiritual energy and intelligence of the Cosmos takes place.

All seven layers of the aura rarely interact at the same time, most people have two or three active layers.

Mikhail Velichko. Body, Material biofield (Aura) and Soul

Aura color

The color of a person's aura can change depending on his emotional state, and each emotion has its own color. Hatred, anger, thirst for revenge leaves black spots on the aura, anger has red hues; the biofield of the egoist is gray, the jealous one is gray-green. Brown has the aura of a stupid or greedy person. Positive emotions also affect the color of the shell: politeness has a bright green color, love gives the aura a crimson hue. Blue color speaks of high spirituality, contemplation. The color of the aura may depend on the temperament of a person, his psychological make-up and state of health. However, not everyone can see the color of the aura.

The famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, by the color of the aura, very subtly determined the mental and physical state of a person. So, the lead-gray color of the aura, in his opinion, signals not only poor health, but also self-doubt. The lilac aura testifies to the spiritual quest of a person, and the presence of golden and silver radiances in the aura speaks of the owner's disinterestedness, his estate to help others.

Attention should be paid not only to color, but also to the purity and saturation of the aura. The appearance of black spots on the biofield, the fading or clouding of the shell indicates painful phenomena in the body or psyche. Barbara Martin, an aura researcher and teacher, states that in a healthy person's aura one can see silver rays emanating from the body in straight lines. If the rays droop, then this indicates illness or fatigue.

Scientific research of the aura. Kirlian effect

Domestic researcher Semyon Davidovich Kirlian conducted a serious study of the biofield: using the device he created, he photographed various living beings in the presence of high-frequency electric fields. Thanks to the developed technology, Kirlian managed to transfer these fields to paper. This proved that all living beings have energy fields of various colors.

Kirlian also managed to find out that the electromagnetic field changes its color depending on the physical and emotional state. These studies were of practical importance, since they helped to identify the onset of the disease at an early stage. In the future, the development of Kirlian was continued.

Kirlian's research helped to scientifically prove the existence of a certain shell that has an energetic charge, which in yoga and esotericism is usually called the aura.

Almost all Eastern religion and medicine is inextricably linked with the concept of energy. So, yoga fans often hear about prana, followers of Taoism and healers of Chinese medicine talk about qi energy, and the concept of “ether” is often found in occultism.

Such attention to the energy component of the human body is justified, since even the wise men of antiquity spoke about this, building their sometimes incredible theories, precisely on the existence and movement of various energies. And only relatively recently, the term human energy field came into use, which today is increasingly used in esoteric teachings.

The concept of energy and biofield

However, before considering this term in more detail, I would like to talk about what energy is and why it is so important in our lives. A wide variety of energies are described in scientific and pseudoscientific theories. At the same time, one must understand that, as such, energy in itself does not exist. It is a property, a certain parameter or value, as well as the rate of qualitative change of matter.

The latter, in turn, is the main component of everything that exists in the Universe. At the level of the macrocosm, the interaction of matter and space is constantly taking place, which leads to the emergence of completely new phenomena (galaxies, planets). At the level of the microcosm (man), this interaction leads to the appearance of such small particles as atoms or molecules.

Each such process is invariably accompanied by the appearance of energy. Now imagine that in addition to matter that can be “felt”, there are various types of matter that are very difficult to physically feel. For example, they include various radiations. And all these matters, when interacting with space, lead to the emergence of energy, which has the property of being transformed from one type to another.

And the transformation of energies is accompanied by the emission of energy waves, which create a kind of field around the particle that radiates this energy. And if you remember how many of the smallest particles make up a single living being (for example, a person), then you can imagine this energy network surrounding the body. This structure is called the energy field or biofield.

Biofield research

At the moment, you can often hear about bioenergetics - this is a field of knowledge that primarily studies the emergence and transformation of energy in the life processes of organisms. The first question about the existence of something else besides the physical body of a living being was raised by scientists who, by chance, managed to see unique phenomena. Their explanations and study led to a more detailed consideration of the issue and even some answers.

For example, researcher S. Kirlian, using high-frequency photography, saw how the shell of a young plant has the image of an already adult one and discovered an invisible phantom of a DNA molecule that absorbed photons and at the same time kept them in the form of a spiral, corresponding in appearance to a DNA molecule. And further research by Burr confirmed the presence of energy fields in baby salamanders, which, nevertheless, repeated the shape of an adult.

Carrying out all these experiments prompted the idea that in addition to the existence of a visible physical body, there are other shells. They are the matrix or framework for the development of the organism in the future. With the growth of the cells of the body, as it were, they take their place. Thus, the biofield is the energy basis for all living organisms.

Rice. 1. Deformation of the field can enter the physical body at the level of any center, which indicates a possible disease of the organs of this area.

Figure 1 shows a fairly typical variant of the field deformation, which can cause a wide range of problems: from mild discomfort to severe physical pathologies. The deeper the boundary of the field is “pressed” into the physical body, the more severe the corresponding deformation is the pathology of the organs and systems of the physical body, and the wider the diameter of the “pressed” zone, the greater the number of systems and organs affected.

This type of deformation indicates that a person has a strong resentment - a severe, long-term, steadily generating state of criticism. They sometimes say about such states: "He (she) is choked by a heavy resentment." Or: "Resentment presses on the chest." Or: "In the chest, everything clenched from bitter resentment." A person carries such an insult in himself, criticizes the one he is offended by, repeatedly “scrolls” his critical calculations in his mind, as a result of which he “falls” on his offense even more. “Twisting” himself in this way, he falls into a vicious circle of stable fixation of emotional reactions to emotional reactions. At some point, the source and cause of resentment already lose their original meaning, since a person “catches a high” of self-pity and self-eating already from their own emotional states. And the deforming tendency, which was “outlined” by the actual primary offense, develops into a stable and steadily developing deformation of the field.

An example from life: the daughter went to school completely healthy, and returned home with a high fever and cough. The mother made a diagnosis and revealed this type of deformity at the chest level. Investigating the cause of the deformity, the mother found out that the girl had quarreled with her best friend and was very upset by this event, taking offense at her friend and criticizing her attitude towards herself. The mother was able to explain to her daughter the groundlessness of her resentment and criticism, and showed the mutual inability of the friends to agree. After that, the daughter performed the ritual of forgiveness (the technique for performing the ritual of forgiveness will be presented below) and got rid of the deformity. A few hours later, there was no trace of fever and cough. The next morning the girl came to school perfectly healthy. And her friend did not come to school. It turns out that her condition was exactly the same, but her mother was not "seeing" and therefore decided that the girls had simply contracted some kind of viral infection from one another. A week of standard treatment, generally accepted in such cases, ended with the fact that the girl seemed to have recovered, but the deformation of the field caused by resentment was not eliminated. The potential for the disease to become chronic in this case is a more than likely outcome of the “energy situation”. When working with field deformations, the most important thing is to “get out” of the true psycho-emotional causes of their occurrence. Otherwise, full treatment is impossible.

Self-identification and elimination of deformations of the ethereal field caused by resentment

Take a comfortable position, calm down and normalize your breathing - make it even, calm, shallow, rhythmic (1-2 minutes).

Revealing the existence of resentment

A very important step. As a rule, we strive to look beautiful in our own eyes, and therefore do not want to admit to ourselves any “unseemly” emotional reactions, especially when it comes to our loved ones. Honesty with oneself is crucial in the work of identifying and eliminating the causes of ethereal disturbances. Just ask yourself the question: “Do I carry a grudge against someone?” Don't rush to answer right away. Remember friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, in short, try to sort through in your mind everyone with whom you communicate, communicated, met, collaborated, quarreled, etc. Follow not the logic of the answers, but your inner emotional reaction. It often happens that during the practice of this technique, a person unexpectedly becomes aware of some purely emotional “ties”, in which until that moment he had not been aware of, identifying them with himself.

Release from resentment

When working on identifying the fact of resentment, as a rule, three variants of psychological situations are found.

A) Recurring typical situations of criticism and resentment at the mention of a particular person (or at the memory of him).

B) Typical situations that are repeated at the mention of various people. The emotional coloring of these situations may be less vivid than in case (A), but the typicality of these situations indicates that we have a “weak spot” that makes us emotionally react in some standard way to certain manifestations from other people. The result is accumulated grievances, the internal mechanism of which developed according to the same logic. Naturally, all of them lead to the same type of anomalies of the ethereal field. A classic example is the resentment of any of the representatives of the older generation for each of the children or grandchildren on the same occasion: “I love you all so much (demonstration of affection) ... I gave (gave) so much strength to you (fixation of a sense of unreturned debt) ... I’m waiting for you so much (here the insult begins to sound that the debt is not repaid) ... And you ... rarely come in, don’t like ... ungrateful, etc. (criticism has gone).

B) Less often, the cause of such deformation is an “abstract retraction” about someone’s lifestyle, actions, actions, etc., that is, about what we, it seems, don’t really care about, but I understand, I don’t want to understand, and I can’t accept. Usually such a state develops into resentment (behind which, in fact, something similar to envy is hidden - “how can he afford what I can’t ?!” - which, of course, no one will ever admit to himself), and then this - resentment in the first variant. Sometimes, instead of severe resentment, an active thirst for criticism “cuts through” - in this case, the situation is more reminiscent of the second option: “How can he live like this, how to act, I don’t understand this; for a well-mannered person, this is unacceptable. Naturally, “good manners”, that is, the degree of compliance with the attitudes of society in each social stratum, is understood as something of its own - compliance with social attitudes, say, among the creative intelligentsia, among business people and in the thieves' environment implies fundamentally different forms of “good manners”. Therefore, depending on which social stratum a person belongs to, the causes and reasons for the same emotional reactions can vary, up to the complete opposite. However, the emotional reactions themselves and the disturbances of the ethereal components of the energy structure generated by them will be the same.

With some practice, revealing the very fact of resentment does not cause any particular problems. But the process of getting rid of the revealed deeply hidden emotions and achieving an unemotional attitude towards the persons and events that provoked these states in the identified situations is no longer an easy task. Its solution may require quite a significant "investment" of time and effort.

Psychoanalysts in such cases use the method of a comprehensive analysis of the situation from the standpoint of all the participants involved in it. However, this method does not always give the desired result. In addition, it is impossible to rise above the level of the mental body when using this method of psycho-correction. And this means that the fullness of understanding the situation with a purely psychoanalytic approach is unattainable. However, the personal experience and personal strength of the psychotherapist can sometimes change the very essence of the approach ...

Perhaps a more acceptable way would be to realize the deformation through the contemplative-meditative technique "Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it." Osho - "Consider your past without identifying yourself with it."

"Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it"

The object of meditation can be not only any one specific situation that led to the occurrence of a specific deformation, but also many life events that are vividly imprinted in your memory. "Repainting memory in the colors of detachment" can be an unexpected way out of completely seemingly hopeless dead ends. Any event with an intense emotional coloring "eats" some part of our life energy, "fettering" it with the so-called "stress blocks" in our energy structure and thereby making it inaccessible for use. Any stress block is formed by the emotions that we experience about the events we experience. No emotions - no stress - no stress block - no life force “blocked” by it. The release of the “stress block” associated with a particular experienced situation relieves the energy structure of emotional dependence on the past at the most “subtle” levels. Naturally, the elimination of the causes that cause deformations of its denser components relieves many tensions in the body and consciousness. As a result, many diseases disappear without a trace.

Meditation technique

Remember the situation. Look at it without getting involved in the events connected with it. As if you are remembering not your own life, but the life of a completely stranger, to whom you have absolutely nothing to do. And when the events that happened are scrolling again on the screen of your consciousness, be careful, be a witness from the outside.

For example. You remember your first love, you see yourself in some situation with your first love. It's you in the past. Separate yourself from the situation with your loved one. Look as if someone else loved someone else, as if it didn't belong to you. All this is alien, and you are only a witness, an observer.

The technique of contemplating the past without self-identification with it belongs to the category of fundamental basic meditative practices. This technique was used by the Buddha. It has many varieties*. You remembered, for example, how someone offended you, and you believe that this situation was the cause of the “field deformation”. Consider her situation in “reverse sequence” - from the end, that is, from the moment when the formation of resentment has already ended. Now try to see yourself in this past situation as an "empty body shell" that someone once offended. But you yourself are here, in the present, and, without getting involved in the past, you observe it. However, if you catch yourself re-experiencing the same emotions while remembering, then you are identifying yourself with the memory. So you missed the main idea of ​​meditation. In this case, you need to understand that you yourself unwittingly re-created this situation.

*The technique that Mr. Antario Ar Mate describes here has a truly grandiose "liberating potential." There is a variation of it, in which the practitioner in contemplation "pulls" himself out of the contemplated situation into the present, and then destroys the image of the situation itself, depriving it of energy. All the images stored in all the "gross" and "thin" layers of our memory are "held" by our energy, which is bogged down in past situations. It is enough to take it out of there and return it to yourself - to the one that is here and now - and the situation will literally “dissipate”. In order to extract your energy from the situation, you just need to draw it into yourself in a state of immersion in contemplation, passing it through the “sieve” of the detached state. If you succeed, the images associated with the situation fade, darken and dissolve.

If a person suffers from any disease and no medical remedies help, perhaps this miraculous method will be able to help him.

Moving in our contemplation back to the past, we seem to “unwind” the states of our consciousness to the moment when the deformation arose, we return back to the moment when we were attacked for the first time by the disease associated with the deformation. Having reached this point, we come to understand and realize this situation, and the cause of the disease disappears.

Having passed "through" the moment when the deformation arose, we suddenly realize what psychological factors form its basis. No special actions are needed, it is enough just to realize the psychological factors that form this basis (resentment, anger, criticism, ambition) and continue to move in the opposite direction. Many problems will disappear, since awareness itself contributes to the elimination of a certain mental complex (“attitude”). When you begin to be aware of your mental set, to be aware of the moments of its operation, you will be able to clear it, because it will no longer be needed. This will be a deep cleansing, traditionally referred to as "catharsis".

The main thing when realizing and liberating from any field deformation is to understand the EXPERIENCE that is behind the situations that led to the violation. If a similar situation causes the same stable reaction, then some experience has not been acquired. In this case, it is necessary to consider all the fundamental laws and your motivations, which entailed possible violations of these laws in a situation that, despite the “meditative working through”, still excites and directs the energy of attention to the past or to the future. It must be remembered that the main thing in this case is not a mental analysis of how to behave in a given situation without energy losses, but an emotional alignment of the situation anew.

For example, if you have identified a situation that caused an emotional state of resentment in you, you need to mentally relive this situation, ensuring that it loses all emotional coloring. And even if such situations are repeated, then you will not be “led” on them, because you will become a different person in some way. Of course, if the experience is real. As a rule, truly acquired experience is determined not by the fact that we acquire the ability to formulate it, but by the fact that our state changes.

If it is not possible to get rid of the emotional "trapping", it makes sense to turn to Osho's Vigyan Bhairava Tantra, which describes the possible variants of this technique for all possible human psychotypes.

To conclude the practice of this method, focus your attention on the point between the eyebrows (or any other point that you feel appropriate to focus on at the moment) and with your whole being try to become aware of the experience you have gained at the moment. In conclusion, perform the ritual, which consists in mentally pronouncing something like this phrase:

“I learned from all the situations that I analyzed today, this is my experience, here it is - here and now. The experience that came to me today will remain with me forever from the very moment of its acquisition.

Helping another person to eliminate field deformations caused by resentment

If you are engaged in healing or psycho-energy therapy and you are faced with the task of helping an ordinary patient realize the fact of resentment - an unprepared person who does not practice martial arts, yoga, or any other spiritual practice, that is, someone for whose psyche direct "forced" retraction in hard meditative psychoenergetic manipulations can end unfavorably, it is best to use the method of shifting attention from personal offense to the general theme of the offender-offended relationship. By doing this, you may be able to save the patient from focusing on his personal specific emotions and bring him into a state, albeit remotely, but reminiscent of the detachment necessary for an impartial analysis of the situation.

Technically it might look like this.

You “guide” the patient through an “uninvolved” review of a number of similar situations that are abstract for this individual, which supposedly happened to someone somewhere at some time, but which have a common root of the psycho-emotional coloring of the situation of the “offender-offended” pair, similar to the one in which your patient is "emotionally bogged down". The roles and motivations of both are comprehensively considered and carefully analyzed. It is important that this be done in terms accessible to the perception and understanding of the patient himself. It is necessary to bring him to the realization of the simple fact that everyone acted in this situation according to their interests, their outlook on life and their upbringing. As a result, it is necessary to bring a person to a conclusion that is completely obvious in any such “situation”: resentment is fundamentally groundless and meaningless, moreover, it does not exist at all and did not exist, but there was just a life situation in which people simply could not agree, because failed to understand each other. Work of this type is carried out until the state of an unemotional attitude of a person to the situation that gave rise to resentment is reached.

Such work requires subtlety and utmost precision from the healer. You must be careful not to "push" your patient emotionally into the past, not to release control over the energy aspect of the analysis being carried out. If a person unconsciously begins to emotionally relive the past again, you run the risk of getting a channel for the outflow of energy into the past, and instead of eliminating the deformation of the patient’s etheric structures due to his awareness of the psycho-emotional essence of the situation, only aggravate his condition.

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers

At what age is this deformity most likely?

It is rare in childhood, as children quickly forget the offense. The most likely age at which this type of deformity can manifest itself is 13-15 years. From this age, psycho-emotional states can already acquire the character of chronically fixed ones.

How can the hand passes practiced by psychics help restore the field with this deformation?

Psychic influence on the actual deformation will have a short-term effect if the offense is not eliminated.

With such a deformation of the field, an energy clot (“wedge”) is formed in the zone of its projection onto the spine (Fig. 2). In this "wedge" the energy of accumulated resentment is concentrated. If the "wedge" is removed, then the effect may be longer than after the "external" alignment of the field. But if the mental attitude to resentment is not removed, the probability of turning on the mechanism of the formation of a “wedge” remains very high. The awareness that comes as a result of the practice of the contemplative-meditative technique “Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it” “unwinds” a concentrated whirlwind of “offense energy”, which, in fact, is the “wedge”. The wedge disappears as the energy released from it changes quality, transforming into the energy of awareness. The result is a complete recovery.

Rice. 2. Energy is concentrated in this wedge
emotional reactions (in this case, resentment).

How soon do manifestations of deformation such as resentment disappear on the physical plane after it is eliminated on the etheric plane?

Usually, when the psychological causes of resentment are eliminated and the boundaries of the field are restored, the diseases associated with deformations of this type are eliminated in two to three days, if they can be captured in the initial stages. However, if the disease has already led to serious functional or organic disorders, the recovery time may be much longer. First, the deterioration will stop, then the restoration of the affected organs and systems will gradually begin. In this case, general health measures, massage and other physical methods of restoring damaged tissues are additionally necessary.

How quickly can you get rid of such a deformation?

Liberation from the identified deformation depends on the duration of the "injection" of resentment and the person's ability to realize. If you purposefully use the methods outlined above, then success will not be long in coming.

In addition, people who do not engage in any spiritual practice in this life, but for one reason or another have a certain "past" spiritual experience, can, without realizing it, eliminate this deformation without the use of special methods. But this sometimes takes them years, maybe a lifetime. “Well, how much can you be angry with him, offended? ..”, “so much water has flowed under the bridge since then, what should we share now? ..” - such reflections weaken the impact of the causes, and if they don’t remove it completely, then significantly reduce the deformation. This is already a kind of ability to look at oneself from the outside, even if not the acquisition of a fully conscious experience, but still a tendency to reduce the strength of "sinking". And, in the end, there comes a moment when it turns out that there is practically no “recession”, as such: “Well, let him be so vile, but now it doesn’t matter anymore.” Thus, a person without outside interference can remove this deformation if the situation on which he "sunk down" ceases to be a reason for an emotional reaction on his part when remembering it.

What organs are most often affected in this type of deformity?

As a rule, deformations caused by the experience of resentment lead to complex damage to systems and organs. The most frequently affected organs are the respiratory system (90% of cases), the heart (70%), in isolation - the upper respiratory tract and organs of the neck (50%), the genitourinary system (40%), the gastrointestinal tract (30%) of cases.

In women, the reproductive organs are most often affected. In the vast majority of cases, this happens as a result of resentment against a man. In this case, the motivation for resentment is often associated with the wrong (from the point of view of a woman) behavior of a partner during sexual intercourse. "My God! He came and didn’t even ask if I wanted or didn’t want, whether I was in tune or not…” And in such a state of irritation and resentment, the woman takes part in sexual intercourse. The main reason is the lack of openness, inner freedom and the ability to talk directly about sexual relations. Objectively, this state of affairs is due to the ugly social attitude of “shamefulness” of discussing any sexual issues, which has been implanted for centuries, and the mass sexual ignorance resulting from this. Subjectively - internal psychological problems, incorrect distribution of social roles of men and women, etc.

The same deformation and accompanying diseases occur at the level of the sexual center when men are offended for the wrong, from the woman's point of view, attitude towards children in the state of pregnancy and lactation, that is, when the woman's genitals are directly involved. In cases where children are older, this is more often expressed in the form of heart disease.

The stable deformation formed by resentment at the level of the heart center (Anahata-chakra) most often manifests itself in the form of a tendency to worsening respiratory diseases. Frequent bronchitis - bronchitis with an asthmatic component - bronchial asthma - this is one of the typical chains of development of chronic pathologies of the organic body with ethereal deformations caused by long-term inflated resentment. Of 100% of the patients examined by us, who suffered from certain respiratory diseases, in 90% of cases, a deformity of the type described above, localized at the level of the chest, was detected.

In addition, such a deformation, localized at the level of the heart center, can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is based on resentment plus criticism, that is, the same reasons as in diseases of the respiratory system, but complicated by the experiences of the so-called "pity complex", which, as a component, may include feelings of guilt and embarrassment in combination with the desire to get rid of these feelings. The result of prolonged intensification of the above emotional complex can be arbitrarily complicated pathologies of the cardiovascular system, up to conditions fraught with a fatal outcome.

Resentment can manifest itself in active and passive forms. The passive form is expressed in the fact that a person withdraws into himself, in his inner experiences. This can lead to an aggravation of the condition, which, in turn, can give impetus either to the search and analysis of the causes of the condition, or to the development of a self-pity complex. In the passive form of resentment, as a rule, there is no motivation for the reaction to the offense and the search for a victim as a point of application for this reaction.

Resentment in an active form can be expressed in one form or another of aggressiveness, which in some situations leads to liberation from the power of resentment. In its extreme manifestations, the active form of resentment is transformed into a thirst for revenge (in thoughts, intentions, actions), when resentment, or rather, an emotional reaction to resentment, turns into the meaning of life. In this case, we are dealing with a transition to another mental state. In some cases, during such a transition, the energy of resentment exhausts itself, which can result in the alignment of deformation. True, the latter occurs only in cases where resentment on a given specific occasion, in general, is not a typical emotional reaction characteristic of a given individual and is a single outburst due to some specific single situation.

As an example, consider the following situation. The woman allowed free partnerships in sex with different men. Naturally, the fact that they also allowed themselves to have sexual relations with other women did not become a reason for resentment on her part. But when a person appeared in her life, in relation to whom she had a special attitude, a desire to be only with him alone and with no one else, she expected the same attitude from him towards herself. Therefore, his betrayal caused a violent reaction of resentment in her. However, since this was generally not her usual single reaction to this particular situation, the resulting surge of aggressiveness evened out the deformation that arose as a result of resentment.

In many cases, we can talk about resentment as one of the key factors in the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). These are situations when a state of resentment follows a violation by any of the partners of principles and agreements in the field of business relations (in production, at home, in the family, etc.). At the same time, the offended person, as a rule, considers himself a model and standard in fulfilling the contractual relations that are meant: “Look (those), I fulfill and comply with all the conditions, and you (you) ... "Depending on the duration of the injection and the strength of such an insult , it can lead to pathologies of various levels of intensity, ranging from spasms of the stomach (deformation at the level of the umbilical center) and biliary tract (deformation at the level of the solar plexus) to chronically increased acidity, which, in turn, will aggravate the further condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Deformation of resentment resulting from the manifestation of excessive qualities of the Element of Fire, such as vanity and irascibility, can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and (or) duodenum, followed by aggravation up to an ulcer.

Deformation of the type of resentment at the level of the solar plexus usually indicates an aggravation of the actual state of resentment by induced states of irritation and anger. As a result, disorders of the liver and gallbladder function may occur on the physical plane, from minor disorders and temporary failures to very serious pathologies, such as cholelithiasis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.

Diseases of the pancreas, caused by the same deformation, indicate that the actual emotional state of resentment was aggravated by a somewhat different induced accompanying psycho-emotional complex, which, as a rule, is composed of hatred, rudeness, pride, arrogance, etc. The results, as a rule, are diabetes, various sexual disorders caused by general disorders of hormonal metabolism, gastrointestinal diseases, which are based on functional pancreatic insufficiency.

Such a deformation at a level just below the solar plexus leads to dysfunction of the spleen. In this case, resentment is not the primary cause of deformation, but secondary to the state of obstinacy. Here we can give a ridiculously banal example. It is cold outside and the man himself is going to put on a warm hat. And then his wife says to him: it's cold today, be sure to put on a warm hat. At this moment, obstinacy can work: unwillingness, even to the detriment of oneself, to do what he himself wanted to do, since this created the appearance of a dependent decision. And there was a reaction: I won’t do as you say - and went out into the street (in a cap or even with his head uncovered). And when the frost made itself felt and the ears thoroughly froze, a state of resentment arose with his wife, with himself, with the whole wide world and in general ... And such a seemingly trifle caused the deformation.

The cause of the same deformation at the level of the kidneys is a persistent envy followed by a reaction of resentment. For example, a woman believes that her friend has a successful family life and is jealous of this. She herself has a normal family life "does not add up." The result is resentment at one's unlucky fate. Such a psychological state will lead to deformation, which, in turn, can lead to inflammation of the kidneys, and the occurrence of, say, kidney stones.

Serious psychological problems in the field of sexual relations can lead to a state of resentment as a secondary factor. Fears, strong emotional reactions, affects are by their nature less stable and short-term, and can stably exist in the psyche only as a potential opportunity for manifestation (an outbreak, for example, of anger or fear is short-lived, but anger or timidity can be present in the psyche stably). Resentment gives a more stable psychological state, which causes deformation of the field. For example, fears about certain forms of sexual behavior can easily lead to a state of resentment in moments of sexual intimacy when these confusing moments manifest themselves. Say, a woman is characterized by a fear of intimacy in the light, and her sexual partner insists on this. Naturally, she has an emotional state of resentment about his ignoring her understanding of the “correctness” of sexual relationships. Resentment arising from this kind of reasons can lead to disorders in the genitourinary area: from temporary spasmodic pain to serious functional disorders (for example, inflammation of the ovaries in women or the prostate gland in men, which, in turn, leads to hormonal imbalance in the body , the consequences of which are manifested in accordance with the general mental and physical state of a person).

But this does not mean that resentment is the cause of all diseases of the genital organs. They can also be based on psychological reasons that cause other types of ethereal deformations. Of 100% of the cases studied, the cause of diseases of the genitourinary sphere was a deformity such as resentment in only 40%.

Resentment can cause throat diseases (deformation at the level of Vishuddha-chakra - the throat center), if it is followed by such a psychological state as "unfulfilled desire". At the same time, a person has a need and desire to either express a response to the offender, or tell someone about the situation of causing offense (complain), but, due to his ideas about moral principles, he does not do this. The state of resentment persists. The severity of the pathological condition that develops as a result is directly dependent on the stability and depth of resentment: from slight reddening of the throat and hoarseness to serious chronic infectious diseases. Of the 100% of subjects with various diseases of the throat, 50% of the cause of their occurrence was this deformity.

Deformation of the type of resentment at the level of the coccygeal energy center (Muladhara-chakra) has the form shown in fig. 3, and occurs when "sinking" about paternity-motherhood or about life support.

Rice. 3. Deformation that occurs when retraction due to paternity or motherhood or life support.

The emergence of resentment that is not able to adequately ensure the safety and livelihoods of the family, children leads to the emergence of fears: “Something can happen, someone will get sick, for example, but there is no money for treatment ...” Or the fear that you will be able to provide a proper education to the child, "put him on his feet." Long-term experience of such fears will lead to the appearance of this deformation. In addition, the fear of the inability to earn money, the fear of difficulties associated with earning a livelihood, manifests itself as a deformation at the level of the navel energy center (Manipura Chakra).

In women, this deformation at the level of the Muladhara chakra often occurs due to abortions as a result of resentment at fate, at a man, at oneself for having had to do this. The result can be very serious diseases of the reproductive organs.

In addition, quite often there are situations when deformities such as resentment occur at the level of the coccygeal center not as a result of the psycho-emotional states of the affected individual, but as a result of external magical influence. Magicians-professionals and people, from birth, possessing magical powers, can use the flow of the Earth's Force to introduce destructive attitudes into the energy structure of the object, such as spells "for spoilage", for "the inability to have children", for the fact that "you will never stand firmly on your feet", etc. This kind of influence can lead to the deformation shown in Fig. 3. In such cases, it is necessary to seek help from competent healers.

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