Dream Interpretation. mouse - all interpretations. Why do mice dream If you see a mouse in a dream

In their dreams, people see different things, and it is believed that each image contains important information regarding the present and future. Whatever dream book is used to interpret dreams, mice in most cases will have a negative meaning or serve as a warning.

Why do a lot of mice dream?

Such a plot belongs to the category of negative dreams, since in most dream books it predicts trouble in all areas of life. For a young girl, the dream of a large number of rodents indicates the presence of envious people in life. Mice in a dream can mean the following:

  1. To see a large number of rodents next to you means that you will soon be able to find out the name of the person who spreads unkind rumors.
  2. Night vision, in which there were many mice in the house, according to the dream book, promises trouble at home or at work. To experience strong horror at their sight means that a situation will soon occur that will cause confusion.
  3. Mice that hordes move along the street portend a profit or a joyful event.
  4. If the dreamer ran after a large number of rodents, then this indicates successful undertakings.

Why is the black mouse dreaming?

In nature, a black mouse is extremely rare, and if it appeared in a dream, then according to popular dream books, you should take a closer look at your inner circle, since there is a person nearby who causes irritation. Other interpretations of dreams are known:

  1. If a woman dreamed of a mouse with a black fur, it means that an enemy will soon appear who will spoil her life.
  2. The rodent behaved aggressively - this is a warning about the occurrence of a serious illness.
  3. Night vision, where it was possible to catch a black mouse, promises the discovery of a terrible secret or the identification of enemies.
  4. Watching a rodent run away is a good sign, indicating that in real life it will be possible to avoid serious danger.
  5. According to the dream book, mice with black fur in a dream can bring seemingly minor troubles in real life, but at the same time they will turn out to be very troublesome in the end.
  6. For a young girl, a black mouse personifies the gossip behind her back, which is spread by familiar people.
  7. A large number of rodents, according to dream books, indicate that in order to implement your plans, you will have to deal with numerous troubles.

Why is the white mouse dreaming?

Since the white color carries a positive meaning, then dreams in which rodents with such hair appeared often promise favorable events in many dream books. There are several popular interpretations:

  1. To dream of a white mouse that fussed means you should be on the alert, because a loved one is a hypocrite.
  2. A large number of rodents portends positive events and a good combination of circumstances.
  3. A girl to see a dream in which a white mouse runs across her dress is a harbinger of a serious scandal.
  4. If a white mouse ran up to the feet, then this can be taken as a signal of the onset of a prosperous period for making a long-awaited purchase.
  5. For parents, a sleeping mouse is a good omen, which means that everything will be fine with the children in the near future.
  6. Night vision, where white rodents had to be fed, is advice in dream books that you need to be more tolerant and show tolerance for people who are weak.
  7. Seeing an inanimate mouse is a bad sign, indicating the occurrence of material problems. To solve them, show patience and having the ability.

Why is the red mouse dreaming?

Almost always, such a dream is the personification of an insidious enemy who is close and is preparing his plan. If in a dream a mouse with red hair was dreamed, then in the dream book it is a symbol of cowardice and the dreamer often tries to shift his responsibility to other people. Such a plot can also be a warning about destructive envy from others.

Why is the bat dreaming?

Dreams in which the main object was a bat, as a rule, in dream books, personify fear, trouble and health problems. In order to get more accurate information, it is necessary to take into account what the bat did in a dream, how it looked and other important details.

  1. An aggressive bat portends losses, sorrows and health problems in loved ones. The dream interpretation recommends that extreme activities be abandoned in the near future, since there is a high risk of injury.
  2. The night vision in which the bat has bitten serves as an indication that it is necessary to work on yourself and stop being pessimistic about life. Another such plot can warn of serious health problems.
  3. I dreamed of a bat in the house, which means, according to dream books, in the near future you will have to go on a long journey or business trip.
  4. A dream in which an animal is tangled in hair predicts the appearance of a wise adviser in life and with her help it will be possible to avoid problems.
  5. To find yourself in a cave where the presence of a large number of bats is felt means that in real life someone will try to draw you into a dubious business, so you need to carefully consider all your decisions.
  6. If the bat was sleeping, this is a warning that minor troubles should not be ignored.

Why do mice dream in bed?

A night vision in which rodents were found in bed means an offensive in life in dream books. In addition, you should beware of enemies who get too close. For a young girl, a dream promises minor troubles. It is worth finding out why mice dream in a family bed, and such a dream means that one of the partners has a secret.

Why dream of squeaking mice?

To obtain complete information about dreams, it is necessary to interpret not only visible objects, but also sounds. If you are interested in what it means when mice dream, but they are invisible, but the squeak is heard clearly, you should know that most dream books consider such a plot to be a warning about the possible penetration of thieves into the house. If a mouse squeak is heard, it means that in the near future it is worth being on the alert and not talking too much, as enemies will try to harm.

Why dream of a mouse attack?

A dream in which an aggressive animal attacked and wanted to bite warns of an unexpected manifestation of discontent on the part of a calm and modest person. There are other interpretations:

  1. In some cases, such a plot promises treason or revenge on the part of loved ones.
  2. If in a dream there were mice with white fur that wanted to attack, this is an omen of numerous troubles, and it may also be an indication of the presence of an enemy in a close circle.
  3. The attack of rodents was stopped, which means that it will be possible to emerge victorious from a real conflict situation.

Why dream of catching mice?

Almost all dreams in which rodents were the main object of the plot have a negative interpretation in numerous dream books. Dreams in which mice had to be caught were no exception. In most cases, they promise domestic problems and indicate the insincerity of loved ones. There are several popular interpretations:

  1. Catching and eventually catching a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of victory over competitors.
  2. Watching a cat chase a mouse means you will soon receive bad news.
  3. A dream about mice, in which it was possible to cover the rodents with some kind of container, in dream books promises the fulfillment of the plans.
  4. Catching mice in a dream with bare hands is a signal of providing an opportunity to expose envious people.

Why dream of a mouse bite?

Such a dream should be taken as a warning that betrayal should be expected. For a young woman in a relationship, a rodent bite is an indication that her lover is cheating. There are other versions of the dream:

  1. If you bitten a mouse in a dream, and it was gray, then colleagues at work are insincere.
  2. Black rodents represent a strong secret enemy.
  3. A dream in which a mouse has bitten and the wound has become inflamed means that you need to beware of gossip.

Why dream of killing a mouse?

In most cases, such a night vision predicts getting rid of minor domestic troubles. In dream books there are several interpretations of dreams in which a mouse had to be killed in a dream:

  1. Killing your own pet is a sign indicating the insincerity of friends.
  2. If a mouse attacked and had to be killed, then in reality it will be possible to defeat enemies.
  3. Indicates a well-known dream book - mice that have fallen into a mousetrap personify the accumulated ones.
  4. If the rodents were poisoned with poison, then in real life it will be possible to defeat competitors by peaceful means.
  5. A dream in which a mouse was killed with bare hands is a good omen, indicating readiness for a decisive step.
  6. Trampling or slamming an animal with slippers is a favorable sign, meaning that it will be possible to quickly deal with enemies.

Why do dead mice dream?

In most cases, such a dream promises problems in various areas of life. For more information from dream books, consider other plot details:

  1. If dead rodents were in the house, then the problems that have arisen will concern housing.
  2. A night vision in which mice were strangled by a cat predicts the appearance of an influential person in life and he will help to cope with existing problems.
  3. If you are interested in what a dead gray mouse is dreaming of, you should know that this is a harbinger of the appearance of an enemy that can spoil life.
  4. A large number of dead animals indicates that you will soon have to defend your reputation.
  5. A dream in which inanimate animals were found on the doorstep of a house is a favorable sign in dream books, meaning that in real life it will be possible to protect yourself and loved ones from possible problems.
  6. Dreaming of mice that were inanimate and were in the water, which means that tears will have to be shed in the near future.

Most people associate a mouse with something frightening and unpleasant: hunger, illness, trouble - since ancient times, people have associated these events with small gray rodents. Many have been and are still afraid of them, because in esotericism the mouse is directly connected with the other worlds and symbolizes the border between life and death.

It is not for nothing that magicians and sorcerers use mice for the most terrible rites, through them they induce damage and the evil eye on people, and perform love spells. In ancient cultures, it was believed that mice contained the souls of ancestors, dead people. And at the same time, some peoples perceive mice as deities, bringing deliverance from diseases and ailments. And in Egypt they are still considered the personification of evil and death.

If in reality people have little sympathy for mice, then what can we say about dreams. Dreams about mice are often perceived by people as harbingers of troubles and misfortunes, illnesses and quarrels. Is this really so and what can the dream in which these small rodents run about tell about?

In general, dream books interpret dreams about small rodents in different ways, but they agree on one thing: to see a live mouse in a dream means waiting for small unpleasant troubles that may suddenly appear in your life. You will have to make great efforts to completely get rid of them and avoid the consequences.

Also, mice can denote ill-wishers in the environment, who plot and gossip behind their backs. Therefore, the one who sees a dream, in real life, needs to be careful and attentive, trust people less and talk about his plans.

To deal with the nuances of "mouse" sleep more accurately, let's scroll through the most popular dream books.

Loff's dream book

This interpreter directly connects a dream with a mouse in the title role with real life: be careful and attentive - one of these days you will know the name of the person who spreads dirty gossip about you. The subconscious mind will point to the spiteful critic with the color of mouse fur - if it is white, then the gossip is included in the circle of your close friends.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The mouse here acts as a sign of global change. Nostradamus points out that a dream about a whole flock of rodents promises hunger, war, poverty.

A dead mouse portends financial difficulties to the dreamer.

If you see a flock of bats that attack and try to bite, this is a bad sign. Damage has been brought to the dreamer, or fate itself will present a terribly unpleasant surprise. If you feed a bat in a dream, it means that your perseverance, strength and patience will help you withstand terrible evil.

Miller's dream book

Difficulties and minor troubles at work and in the family await the one who saw a mouse in a dream. Friends can betray, and in professional activities, any undertakings will fail.

If you managed to catch and destroy the mouse in a dream, then you will be able to cope with ill-wishers and resolve problems. And if, as a result of the chase, the rodent still managed to hide, then problems in life can have the most unpredictable ending.

A woman, seeing a mouse in a dream, can prepare for great difficulties. Someone from the environment wishes you harm and does everything to make your life turn into hell. And if a girl saw in a dream a mouse on the hem of a skirt or dress, in reality shame and disgrace await her.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, hordes of mice mean the onset of a difficult time for all mankind.

If you dreamed of a lot of mice and they gnaw on furniture, then expect discord in the family, if they gnaw money, you are guaranteed a financial collapse.

There are a lot of rodents in your house or apartment - there are a lot of envious and hostile people in your environment.

Rodents filled the attic or basement of the house - watch your expenses. Perhaps you are too frivolous about your money - such waste will not lead to good.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

If you dreamed of a mouse, expect a tragedy in life - the death of a loved one, serious illnesses and injuries, fires and other disasters.

This dream book portends the dreamer himself a quick death if he sees a white mouse in a dream.

Mice in a woman's dream

According to the interpretation of dreams, it is important who exactly sees it. Most often, women see mice in their dreams, who in reality are so afraid of these gray animals. So what do dreams about small rodents promise girls?

  1. To dream that a mouse is running over her body or over her clothes means for a woman that in real life she will be at the center of an unpleasant scandal: some secrets of the past will come to the surface.
  2. If a mouse runs around the girl's house, it means that soon she will learn from someone the name of the person who spreads dirty rumors and gossip about her.
  3. If someone caught a rodent in a dream, it means that in life there is a person who will help to avoid troubles and problems.
  4. The great uncle Freud also prepared his interpretation of the mouse dream for women. Such a dream means the dissatisfaction of a woman in bed with her chosen one. Subconsciously, the lady is doing everything to correct this situation.

Mice in a man's dream

Although in reality young people are less sensitive to gray rodents, the appearance of mice in a dream cannot be avoided by men either. Such dreams are mostly negative.

  1. If a male dreamer feeds a mouse in his dream, then in real life he needs a reliable friend and assistant. However, pride does not allow admitting this and asking for help. A dream pushes a man to action: sometimes it’s impossible to cope with a problem alone and it’s not at all shameful to ask for support from loved ones.
  2. A mouse bite in a dream portends betrayal by a business partner or colleague.
  3. If you dreamed that the mouse was the boss in the house, then the wife has a lover or she stubbornly flirts on the side.
  4. In Freud's dream book, a dream about a mouse indicates to a man that he is unhappy in marriage. So it's time to make an important decision.

Mouse Color and Sleep Meaning

It turns out that it is important what color the mouse was in a dream. This fact must be remembered in order to correctly interpret the dream. So let's remember:

  • I dreamed of a white mouse.
  • According to some dream books, such a rodent portends a happy family, success in solving pressing problems. According to other interpreters, a white rodent means gossip about you, and at the level of close friends and colleagues. A dreaming white animal can also indicate a betrayal of the second half.

  • Black mouse.
  • Behind your back they spread evil gossip, slander and come up with all sorts of fables. The cruelty of spiteful critics can lead you to nervous breakdowns and unsettle you for a long time.

  • Grey mouse.
  • She usually dreams of people with low self-esteem. The dreamer in real life suffers from such an attitude towards himself, cannot achieve what he wants. Is it time to love yourself?

  • Red mouse.
  • This is a rather rare dream, but if you had a dream, it means that a cunning and thoughtful envious person from your inner circle harms you. Take a closer look and try to hide your plans, do not tell too much about yourself and your family. As they say, keep your mouth shut.

  • Multicolored mouse.
  • Such a mouse in a dream can mean a warning. In reality, the dreamer takes risks in vain, gets involved in incomprehensible scams. It is better to stop taking unnecessary risks.

Dream interpretation a lot of mice

Flocks of rodents or even whole hordes - a dream is far from pleasant. One mouse keeps a whole adult in fear, let alone a few mice or a flock. Such a dream is fraught with many omens. So what will a lot of mice tell about?

  1. A black streak has come in life - minor and major troubles will lie in wait at every corner.
  2. To see in a dream a lot of mice that rush around the house or around the apartment means that in the dreamer's life there are a lot of unfaithful friends, envious people. You need to take a close look at your surroundings.
  3. In a dream, rodents run over you in large numbers - to poverty and financial difficulties. Perhaps there are many unplanned expenses ahead that can quickly empty your wallet. Even in this case, it is better not to get into loans - it will end badly.
  4. According to the dream book of Nostradamus, there are many mice - to war, famine and pestilence.
  5. There is also a positive interpretation of sleep, in which mice are worn by a large company. This indicates the imminent disposal of all problems.

Dreaming of small and large mice

The size of the dreaming animal is also important, so be sure to pay attention to whether the big or small mouse "ran" through the dream.

Small rodents usually appear in a dream to those who have accumulated many small problems in their lives, but they grow like a snowball, taking a lot of strength from the dreamer. A dream with tiny animals suggests that it would not hurt to ask friends and relatives for help, then it will be much easier and faster to solve all the accumulated cases.

If little mice are in your house and are trying to escape from the mousetrap, it means that not everything is so smooth in the dreamer's family life. Inconsistencies and quarrels exacerbate the situation. There is a way out: talk with your spouse, explain what exactly does not suit you, and find a joint solution.

A large mouse indicates the inner fears of the one who "watches" the dream. The more impressive the size of the rodent, the stronger the fear - before the authorities, competitors, offenders. Although in fact he points out that these fears are in vain, and there is no need to drive yourself into a corner.

I dreamed of a dead mouse - what does it mean

Seeing a live mouse in a dream is one thing, but a lifeless animal that has been seen in the middle of the night is not a sight for the faint of heart. It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of, but the very feeling of death terrifies the sleeping person. So what does a dead mouse portend?

  • It turns out that a dead rodent speaks of impending financial difficulties.
  • According to one of the dream books, a lifeless mouse reports the dreamer's illness.
  • Does a mouse show no signs of life in a dream? Expect family troubles, scandals and even a complete break in relations.
Even the size of a dead mouse matters. A well-fed adult dead mouse portends a heavy load of new problems. To deal with them, you have to seriously sweat. And a little dead mouse will tell you that gossip is spreading about you, and those around you believe evil tongues. Thus, a negative opinion about you is formed.

Kill a mouse in a dream

Often in a dream we do not just contemplate this or that object, person or animal. Sometimes we ourselves take an active part in our dream. It is important to remember what exactly we did and what emotions these actions evoked. For example, often in a dream about a mouse, the dreamer tries to kill the animal. So why dream of such a "murder"?

  • There is important work ahead. To accomplish it worthily, you need to show maximum skill, strength and mind.
  • The family dream book interprets the killing of a rodent in a dream as an omen of some sad event that will happen in reality.
  • If in a dream you don’t kill him, but the rodent simply falls into a mousetrap, then someone is spreading rumors behind your back. It will not be possible to avoid unnecessary hassle in this regard.
  • If you kill not a simple mouse, but a bat, then you will soon get rid of a long-standing illness.
  • According to one of the dream books, killing a mouse means neutralizing a competitor or competitor in real life.
  • If you act as an outside observer in a dream, and someone kills a mouse, this means that there is an unscrupulous person in your environment who will simply betray you. It is better to break all ties with this person in advance and not wait for the bandwagon.

In general, killing a mouse in a dream means defeating all the spiteful critics.

To catch mice

Seeing a mouse in reality, after a strong fright, we certainly want to catch it and throw it out or let it out into the street. If in a dream your desires follow the same pattern, you need to remember it in order to find out what it means to catch a mouse in a dream. Agree, the task is not easy.

  1. Catching mice in a night dream is a good sign. For example, catching a mouse in your room is a sign of success in business and the achievement of your goals.
  2. If you catch rodents in a dream from idleness and do not see a goal in this, then in reality your plans are unrealizable and ridiculous.
  3. According to one of the dream books, catching a mouse in a dream is an unsuccessful marriage or marriage.
  4. If you run after a rodent around the house, it means that in reality you show sympathy for some person, take care of him.
  5. If a girl dreams about how she catches a mouse with her hands, it means that soon someone will offer her a hand and a heart.
  6. Catching mice can also mean business success. All transactions and agreements will be winning and will bring good income.

So, catching a mouse in a dream is a completely favorable dream. What if you saw a mouse caught? What does it mean?

  • An unexpected and pleasant gift.
  • Receiving a profit.
  • Successful purchase of an apartment or house.
  • According to one of the dream books, catching a mouse means being in an unambiguous position.
  • If a pregnant woman saw in a dream how she caught a mouse, it means that she will soon have a daughter.
  • Catch a gray rodent - eliminate your competitors and rivals in reality - whether they are hated colleagues or persons trying to recapture the groom or take the husband away.

Bitten mouse

One of the most unpleasant dreams is the one in which a mouse bites you. Sometimes the dreamer even feels pain from sharp teeth. What does such a painful dream tell?

A mouse bite can mean cheating on a husband or wife, a loved one. Or someone wants to take revenge on you and is plotting an insidious plan. And if in a dream a flock of mice surrounded you, attacks and tries to bite, then problems in reality will begin to “attack” from all sides: discord in the family will begin, troubles at work, health will begin to seriously fail, and mood and emotional state will be suppressed.

If in a dream a flock of bats flew at you, then in life you will have to face misfortune.

It is also important to remember exactly where the mouse bit you in a dream. The correct interpretation of the dream will depend on the place of the bite.

  • Finger.
  • You need to think about your behavior - perhaps you offended someone with a word or deed. So, if blood oozes from a finger when bitten, then a blood relative is offended by you, if it just hurts, then a close friend or comrade.

  • Hand.
  • If in a dream a rodent has bitten your hand, then you will have to part with something valuable: you will either lose an important thing, or you will have to pay it for debts or as a pledge.

  • Leg.
  • If a trip is planned, it is better to cancel it. A rodent bite on the leg suggests that a trip or a business trip will not work out in the best way.

  • Buttock.
  • For a man, a bite in this “interesting” place means that he is being lured at work, for a woman, a mouse bite in the “fifth point” dreams that her beloved is cheating on her.

Mice and rats dream together

Sleeping with a mouse in the lead role is already an unpleasant sight. What can we say if in a dream you have to see a mouse along with a rat. Scary? Disgusting? Terrible? What do dream books say about such a tailed tandem?

The meaning of other dreams about mice

Often in dream books interpretations of not quite ordinary dreams about mice are given. Indeed, in our dreams, sometimes quite horrific stories or ridiculous situations arise. What will other dreams with mice in the title role tell?

In general, dreams about mice mean minor troubles, squabbles and gossip. Be above all this life "garbage", do not take evil tongues to heart. After all, their envy, anger and hatred will return to them with tripled strength.

A mouse in a dream will definitely warn you how to act, you just need to pay attention to what feelings this dream caused. So do not be scared, do not get angry and do not panic if you suddenly dream of a gray animal. It's just a dream.

According to dream books, small rodents are considered to be symbols of minor troubles and troubles. They will not cause serious trouble to the sleeper, but they will make you spend a lot of time and effort fighting them. Expert tips will help the reader to more accurately interpret what mice dream of in large numbers.

Mice are mentioned in every popular dream book. Any interpreter can tell in detail why these unpleasant rodents appear in a dream in a particular plot.

So, in Miller's dream book, mice turn out to be harbingers of minor problems. How quickly it will be possible to cope with them in reality, the same dream will tell you. If a person immediately trapped rodents or destroyed them in any way, then in real life you won’t have to deal with troubles for a long time.

AT Family dream book it is noted that mice can promise a serious conflict with relatives. This interpretation is especially relevant if the rodent climbs up the clothes of the sleeping person. It is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent a quarrel, so you should try at least with dignity to get out of it in reality.

According to Aesop's dream book, the dreamer should associate mice appearing in a dream with himself. The plot suggests that in the character of a man or woman there are such negative traits as weakness and cowardice. It is necessary to actively fight them, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve significant life peaks.

Seeing small, large mice in a dream

People usually see small mice in that period of life when they have accumulated a lot of problems that have fallen on their shoulders like a burden. At first glance, it seems that it is completely impossible to deal with them. If the dreamer does not have enough strength to do it on his own, you can safely turn to friends and relatives for help.

Many little mice escaping from a mousetrap or other trap are a sign that the sleeper is dissatisfied with his family life. He is trying to find ways out of the situation, but so far he does not see them. To cope with problems as soon as possible, you need to start fighting them together with a partner.

A very large rodent symbolizes the attitude of a person towards his rival or competitor in work. The larger the mouse turned out to be, the more the sleeper is sure of his own loss in the battle with the enemy.

What does it mean to catch, kill a mouse in a dream

If the dreamer watches someone else kill a mouse in a dream and leave her bloodied corpse, this means that in reality there is a traitor next to the person. He will make himself known soon. But it is best to try to figure out in advance the source of your future troubles and, if possible, move it as far away from yourself as possible.

If you had to kill a mouse on your own in a dream, most likely, the rivals were so tired of the man or woman that there was a desire to eliminate them by any means. The main thing is not to overdo it and not choose a too cruel method of getting rid of competitors.

But catching rodents in a dream often turns out to be a good sign. If a person grabs them in his own house, then the planned plans will turn out to be winning and lead him to success in reality.

A mouse caught in a mousetrap suggests that real enemies have already set their traps for the sleeper. Waking up you need to be extremely careful not to get caught in them.

Why do mice dream in large numbers?

It happens that a lot of mice appear in night dreams. As a rule, such a plot is a warning of an impending "black streak". Problems in various areas of life will suddenly begin to pour on the dreamer.

If the sleeper's house is literally teeming with rodents of different sizes, then in reality it is surrounded by evil, envious people. Most likely, they are hidden behind a mask of virtue, which a person takes for truth. In order not to get burned, you need to try to learn to distinguish between lies and hypocrisy.

Mice running in large numbers precisely over the dreamer's body are harbingers of material problems. Trouble will be found in the financial sector. Perhaps the potentially profitable business in which the sleeper invested will turn out to be a failure. Or there will simply be so many necessary expenses in the near future that it will not be possible to cope with them. You need to be more careful with your money so as not to get into large debts.

Mice dreamed of men, women: interpretation

In order for the interpretation to turn out to be as true and truthful as possible, a lot of details and circumstances of the dream must be taken into account in the process. Among such important factors is the dreamer's gender. In general, it is believed that mice appear more often in a woman's dream. If a representative of the fair sex sees a rodent running around her dress, one can expect a grandiose scandal with loved ones. There is no way to avoid it, so you need to try to speed up its resolution.

A small vole in the girl's house is a sign that the sleeping woman will soon be able to find out the name of the person spreading dirty provocative rumors about her. His name really shocks a woman. But the disappointment will quickly be forgotten.

If a man feeds mice in his dream, then he needs the help of friends and relatives. The sleeper himself is embarrassed to ask for her, believing that this will demonstrate his weakness. The dream suggests that it is worthwhile to boldly appeal for help to others, only by accepting it, the dreamer will be able to quickly cope with the problems that have piled up.

A painful rodent bite promises a man the betrayal of a business partner. The partner will substitute the sleeper for his own financial gain.

Black, white, gray mouse

The meaning of the discussed dream options also depends on the color of the character.

If it was possible to remember it exactly, then such a detail must be taken into account when interpreting:

  • The black mouse is a harbinger of unpleasant gossip and ridicule behind the sleeper's back. They will turn out to be so offensive and painful for a person that they will knock him out of his usual life rut for a long time.
  • If a white mouse is seen by a representative of the fair sex, it is likely that her husband is not faithful to her. The same plot may suggest that slander about the dreamer is being spread by his close relatives or friends. Also, a white mouse is able to promise the sleeping ridicule of others because of his self-doubt.
  • A gray rodent from a dream suggests that a person is very afraid of impending changes. The main desire of the sleeper is a quiet, calm life in the usual rhythm. But there is no need to be so categorical. It is likely that the changes will bring joy and positive emotions.

If the mouse turned out to be a bright unnatural color, such a dream can be taken as an important warning. The sleeper loves to seek adventure and get involved in various scams. If he continues to behave in the same spirit, he will find himself in a stupid, ridiculous position.

Why dream of a cat catching a mouse?

A good dream can be called one in which a cat catches a mouse. It portends prosperity and profit. If a person recently started a new business, then you can be sure that it will be successful and will achieve the desired result.

If the sleeper watches the cat catch and release mice for fun, this is a hint that in real life a man or woman will get into a stupid position. To avoid this, you should take your affairs more seriously and responsibly.

Had to send a cat to catch mice? This means that in reality the dreamer himself will be forced by some of those around him to do what he does not want.

Bats in a dream

Most modern dream books it is noted that bats are negative harbingers. Their appearance in a dream promises a person trouble in real life.

A dead animal suggests that the dreamer's immunity is greatly weakened. We must try to do everything possible to strengthen it. Otherwise, a man or woman will constantly face various ailments.

If in a dream a person feels that a bat is following him in the dark, as if chasing him, then in reality he is afraid of the outside world. The dreamer suffers from self-doubt, he is afraid of the future, does not understand how to behave when dealing with problems.

According to the French dream book, a flying rodent is a harbinger of the suffering that the surrounding people will cause to the sleeping person. But a very large flock of them promises the successful completion of the work begun.

The mouse in many nations symbolizes a destructive and devouring creature that is associated with impure forces. Therefore, a person who himself is trying to interpret what mice dream of often comes to the conclusion that this is a negative sign.

How true this is, let's try to figure it out.

The main meanings of dream books

In most cases, a dream in which a mouse dreamed portends adversity and unpleasant moments in life to its dreamer. But, of course, everything else depends on the context in which the mouse appeared in the dream.


Problems in the family, envious with friends, problems in business and business.

Lose the mouse in pursuit - the fight will not give the expected results.

To a young girl - you have secret enemies plotting evil.


Famine or crop failure cannot be avoided.

A sleeping animal is a symbol to the mother that everything is in order with the child.


Man has a short life.

In addition, this image can be interpreted as a symbol of unrest and quarrels.

A man who catches a mouse will connect his life with an unworthy woman.

A mouse playing in the house is a sign of prosperity and wealth.


Taking care of a mouse is a symbol of a happy family life and the desire to have children.

A dead mouse - to infertility.


There is a hypocrite in life, who is in the immediate environment, who spoils life.


Hordes of mice - to hunger, war and troubles.

Dead - major financial shocks.

An attack by a flock of bats is a huge problem in life and a great evil.


The image of a secret ill-wisher.

There may be a loss of one of the family members or loved ones.


Doing stupid things that will put the dreamer in a stupid position.


Fuss and hassle that will not bring pleasure.

Killing a mouse is a symbol that problems will soon be resolved.


Sleep should be interpreted depending on the details. In general, it is interpreted as a symbol of the fact that a person must free himself from prejudices, stop being afraid and begin to act actively.

21st century

  1. White is good news.
  2. Chasing her is a long-term plan for the future.
  3. To grab - to get pleasant physical sensations, including experiencing passion.
  4. Mousetrap - slander and lies.
  5. Bats are a very negative sign, promising negative changes in life.


The image of this animal is interpreted as poverty, especially if the mouse gnawed some food or things.

ABC of dream interpretation

It is interpreted as the pettiness of human nature and character. The news that awaits ahead will make you freeze and take no action.


The person will feel insignificant in life.


It is interpreted as the dreamer's desire to intervene in other people's affairs. Entrepreneurship and commerce will not succeed, it is better not to make large investments.

Leading can also be interpreted as capricious and harmful children in the future and a grumpy wife.


After such a vision, you can only expect trouble in the family. Enemies lurk next to the person.

For a young woman, one should be more careful in choosing contacts so as not to be involved in dubious activities.


To minor troubles and troubles. A person can get into trouble.


It is interpreted as a decrease in the life span if the mouse is seen in its own house.


This is a sign of an imminent loss of money.

Small Velesov

It is interpreted differently depending on the context of sleep and can mean enemies, poverty, minor losses, empty chores and ridicule.


A large number of mice can symbolize a change in housing.

If you see white, then you should expect problems with your teeth or minor chores.


Small mice plastic and minor cases. White mouse - expect surprise and strange events.


Around a person, gossip and rumors can bloom in a heap.

The bat is a symbol of unpleasant changes in life.

Russian folk

An animal that can crawl everywhere promises its owner, in whose dream he appeared, sentimental feelings towards another person.

If the dream had a negative connotation, then this may predict minor troubles.


Kill a mouse - deal with ill-wishers.

Lose the mouse - it is unlikely that it will be possible to defeat the enemies.

For a young woman - you need to be alert and ready to attack enemies and enemies.

dream interpreter

To see in a dream - expect ridicule and injections from women of unworthy behavior.

Bat - to hidden powerful enemies.


To see - in reality, soon you will learn about the person who spread gossip about you and wished you only harm.

For a young woman - secret enemies and enemies who are always trying to deceive.

A large number of these animals promise additional financial profits.


There is a hidden enemy in life, the existence of which is not even suspected.


You should be prepared for danger, include caution and a sense of intuition.

Trying to grab or catch - to a gift or profit.


Mouse to family troubles, false friends and business failure.

Chasing a mouse without a result is evidence that the goals set in life cannot be achieved.


You should expect quarrels with your soulmate.

For a girl, there is a person in her life who is trying to bring a quarrel into a relationship with a loved one.

Sitting on a dress - a scandal involving a woman.


To see is to overcome a life obstacle.

Catch - make grandiose plans.

Eat - it is worth preparing for the dangers in life.

Kill - experience sadness in the near future.

Denise Lynn

The mouse is a symbol of the fact that a person needs to throw off constraint and timidity. Get active and get out of the shadows.

For the whole family

Mouse at the feet - it is worth going to the store to make purchases. The time has come.

Sleeping is a symbol of good health for all family members.

For the bitch

Dreamed in a dream - we should expect family troubles and troubles.

Kill - solve your problems.

If the mouse managed to escape, then in reality it is better for a person not to fight his enemies and enemies.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

To see is a symbol that someone is planning unkind actions.

For a woman who sees a mouse in a dream, it is worth preparing for intrigues, which are likely to lead to quarrels in the family.

Catch a mouse - expose the enemies, but as a result, a scandal will break out.


This is an image of the troubles that await a person in the near future. Health problems may also appear, emotions will be at the limit.


This dream book interprets the mouse as a harbinger of wealth and good fortune.

From A to Z

They crawl around the apartment - an invitation to the wedding.

Chasing a mouse - find a bride or groom.

To kill is bad news in the family.

A large number of animals living in the basement are difficult financial situations.

Pechora healer

For a woman, she will soon become pregnant.


To war or other dangers associated with external influences.


Most likely, quarrels, scandals and problems will await at home.

Kill - deal with your enemies.

A large number of mice - the resolution of financial difficulties.


A man has the wit and dexterity to win the fight, but he lacks determination.

Bat - symbolizes blindness, that is, the inability to see what is really happening.

Watch the flight bat Your wishes will soon come true.


It is worth waiting for deceit and betrayal on the part of the most beloved and close person.


A mouse dreamed - it is worth waiting for weakness in health or hungry times.

The cat caught the mouse - bad tongues will spread gossip, which in turn will create a lot of trouble.


Minor annoyances and problems.

Caught - it is worth gaining determination in order not to let other people push you around. It is also a symbol of bad news.


Perhaps a loss awaits a person.


Own stupidity can put you in a stupid and ridiculous position.

Special cases of dreams

In addition to the situation in which the mouse was seen, it is necessary to pay attention to other little things.

Size and Quantity

It is very important whether one animal or whole hordes of mice dreamed.


The smaller the mouse, the more harmless the dream will look, even in the most negative color.


Depending on the context, it can symbolize either major problems, or vice versa, their resolution if a person has caught a large mouse.


A fat lazy mouse is a symbol of prosperity, especially if it is white.

A large number of

Hordes of mice symbolize hunger and devastation. It can also be an omen of a bad harvest and a lack of food.

If you managed to drive a lot of mice out of your house, then soon a person will get rid of a large number of problems in his life.

Fur color

The color of the mouse also plays a significant role.


In life there comes a period of calm and boredom. Don't expect anything positive. Although, on the other hand, nothing extremely negative will happen.


In the dreamer's life there is a person who spreads rumors, and of a negative nature.

Another interpretation suggests that family ties are strong enough.


Black symbolizes grief and sadness, especially if the animal is thin and disheveled.

Red or golden

A golden mouse is a sign of wealth.

Dreaming of a dead animal

If a person himself killed this animal in a dream, then in most cases this option is interpreted as a solution to his problems. But it is worth considering the color of the rodent.


In this case, a person can bring trouble to his family, especially if he himself killed the mouse.


The dreamer gets rid of ill-wishers and negativity in his family and life.


In general, the gray mouse is a fairly neutral symbol. Killed gray mouse - a person does not want to leave problems around him, he strives for the best in life.


Kill a big mouse - solve all your problems in one fell swoop.


A dead little mouse is a symbol of small and insignificant troubles that could be solved on their own.

And live

A live mouse is evidence that there are people around you who wish you negativity.

And a rat

The rat is a symbol of serious problems in life. The larger and darker the animal, the worse the situation in the dreamer's life.

What does it mean to see a lot of dead mice

The situation of a person is not easy - around him there is a lot of trouble, fuss and enemies.

Such a dream speaks of illnesses that can haunt not only the person who saw such a dream, but also his loved ones.

In the house

The white mouse in the house is a symbol of well-being.

Black is a sign of the presence of enemies.

In the apartment

Do not worry if the mouse was alone. The situation, if not very good, is not entirely bad. You just have to solve certain problems and be careful with your surroundings.

in a mousetrap

Caught in a mousetrap - it will be possible to solve life's difficulties.

In water

A mouse in the water - you need to be more careful about your health. Most likely there are some problems in the body.


If a person killed a mouse himself, then in reality he will solve all his difficulties.

by another person

Someone will solve your problems for you, which will negatively affect your future career or financial well-being.


In this situation, the problems will resolve themselves, although they will cause a lot of trouble.


A symbol of dubious enterprises, in which in no case should one be involved.


If a mouse managed to bite a person, this is a very bad sign, which indicates that the enemies will prevail over you.

In hand

Enemies are trying to limit you in your actions. Career, finances, family well-being are at risk.

Finger without pain

Most likely, the intrigues that weave around you will be ineffective, although they will cause trouble and trouble.

Pain in the finger

Man expects many small skirmishes. You need to learn to control yourself and prevail over negative situations.


A cute little mouse is evidence of an imminent pregnancy or strong desire have a child.


A healthy white mouse - a strong offspring awaits a woman in labor.


If a man catches a mouse, but cannot catch it, you should not start any new financial activities, capital investments or move up the career ladder.

But if a man caught a mouse, then a situation arises in order to commit more risky acts.

See how the mouse sleeps

Everything will be fine with family members and children in the near future.

Health will be excellent, and enemies will not bother.

Runs away

If the mouse was chased, but she managed to escape, then the ill-wishers are so strong that until they can be overcome. You should not even try, otherwise you can put yourself in a disadvantageous and uncomfortable situation.

The dreamer catches mice

This image is favorable, but depends on how this chase ended.


Disputes cannot be resolved.

Successfully catch

Defeat all your enemies and achieve your goals.


Cut all the problems in the bud, if the animal is black.

To kill a white rodent is to harm your loved ones and family.

crushed underfoot

It is worth being afraid of fatal situations in life that can knock the ground out from under your feet.


A person feels so insecure that he cannot speak openly, declaring his intentions.


A long streak of bad luck is expected in life, which will not be easy to get out of. The dreamer needs to express himself as much as possible.


A very bad sign, symbolizing the lack of food, illness and sorrow.


Depending on where the rodent is seen, the situation with the images may change radically.

In your house

If the mouse is peaceful, sleeping, happy, or behaving well enough, then this is a good sign.

If there are a lot of mice, and they are aggressive, you need to be very careful in life.

In the apartment

In this housing, the symbols are interpreted in the same way as for the house.

Who else dreamed

Depending on who dreamed with the mouse, the situation may change.


The situation in life will be affected by a person from the outside.


Minor chores that are associated with the mouse are further complemented by the image of kittens.


This rodent is a symbol of ruin. Therefore, in conjunction with mice, it can warn of the onset of difficult times.


An extremely negative image that will only exacerbate the symbolism of mice.


This is a sign of dirt in the house. If mice are adjacent to cockroaches, a woman or a man should devote a lot of time to putting things in order in his house, both in the literal sense of the word and psychologically.


This is an image of home and comfort.

mouse droppings

Seeing rodent feces is an extremely bad sign. This is a symbol of illness.

run around

Rodents scattered in different directions indicate that there are a lot of problems in the life of a man or woman. Therefore, it will not be possible to resolve them all at once. It takes a lot of effort and patience. And you also need to be alert at all times.

If the mice in your dream were dead, in reality you will be able to correctly assess the situation and not give free rein to your emotions.

Why do mice dream of small white and gray, black

Dreaming of small white and gray live mice portend minor troubles or far-fetched problems, because of which you are pretty nervous.

Free online interpretation dreams - to get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

Black mice are a dream that portends small and unpleasant chores.

If you dream of rats in the house and cockroaches, cats and cats together

A dream in which rats, cockroaches, cats and cats appeared in your house together means that in real life you will be greatly disappointed in the world around you.

At midnight, you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking your hair, burn it in a candle flame with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), according to me, servant of God, (name) decay.

To lament only for me, not to know a single woman,

if only I, alone, would desire, only think about me, and only suffer for me.

As this hair does not grow back, so it is

no one will beat mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

- Love spell with hair

Friends will turn out to be imaginary and deceitful, relatives, instead of support, will endlessly sharpen a grudge against you. Fate deliberately sends you such a vivid and memorable dream so that you do not go to extremes and treat the situations and conflicts that have arisen with a sense of humor.

To dream of mice on the body, bed, head, ceiling, table, work, kitchen, ship

Mouse on the body - you will become a target for gossip. If a dreaming mouse ran across the bed, table or kitchen of your house - in reality, it became necessary to make a small supply of food, they will soon become very expensive.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and support higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

A mouse on your head or on the ceiling - in real life, minor troubles will fall on your head, which do not need to be given much importance. A mouse at work is a dream that promises annoying fuss, devoid of any meaning. A mouse on a ship is a slight ailment.

Why mice dream from Thursday to Friday, from Sunday to Monday

A dream from Thursday to Friday confirms the existence of a problem. If a mouse (a symbol of minor troubles) was dreamed of during a specified period of time, then in real life you need to resolve all conflicts, and the sooner you can do this, the better for you.

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